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24 November 2007






Beatrice Saint Bris

Dear All,

I was so surprised to discover this blog and very happy that you loved the book..
Thanks for your kind comments!

You're alwaws welcome at the Clos Lucé in the Loire valley, be sure that if I am here, I will be very pleased to dedicate you my watercolour book.

Best regards,

Beatrice Saint Bris

Jane Librizzi

Da Vinci's French connection. Thank you for bringing us watercolors of places that da Vinci knew, along with your photographs.


What a delightful book - the watercolors are just lovely - that is such a wonderful souvenir to capture the memories.

Di Overton

Someone give this woman a job as a travel correspondent. I visited Leonardo da Vinci's home in Vinci, Tuscany. He could certainly pick 'em. Location, location, location seemed to apply in his day also.


lovely watercolors and what a delicious tour - thank you Tara!

I'm going to come back and savor some more...

xox - eb.


So close and yet so far!! It is so ironic (and awful) that we missed each other by hours and stationary train cars on my last trip. I love Amboise, do you?
Hope all is well with you and yours, dear heart. Please give my love to David and Jordana. And, of course, to you.


How fascinating!
I love this
I love you


Hi, Tara-- about a dozen years ago, my husband and I went to Amboise and visited this very same place. I remember standing in a room where there was a vertical window beside which there was a small painting or sketch of the view out that window in the 16th century. It was as though to show us what Leonardo would have seen gazing out there. I remember standing in that space, looking across that landscape, thrilled to know that perhaps Leonardo had stood in that very spot centuries earlier. It made me very still to think that I was actually there. In reading your post about your visit there (and seeing the marvelous art as well), I recalled the day I was there and what it meant to me. (BTW, we had intended to stay in the Loire for several days but cut our stay short to return to Paris. Much as we enjoyed LdV's home and a few chateau visits, we realized we are truly City Kitties.) Tonight, as so often, you have brightened my day. Merci bien!


That is a gorgeous house, if you can call it that :-)
It's beautiful, very tudor-ish


What a fantastic visit that must've been. Glad you had a sumptious, yet thoughtful, thanksgiving.


This is wonderful! Amazing! Oh, it makes my mind start to imagine all sorts of tales...And the pics are so clear! Wow. That camera must be great.
I loooove seeing this stuff.



ohh ohh, i figured it out. because you show us the building through so many disparate points of view, closup photo realism, impressionist watercolours, done by people from different periods in history, we get a real sense of the building not just as threedimensional object but as a place. You give us a sense of place which involves ideas, emotions, continuance of lines of thought across time, eh voila, the thought of Leonardo in the place and in your post. BRAVO!


thank you thank you for bring me here...did you feel the essence of ldv while there...i felt it...blessings, rebecca


This is just wonderful -- wow -- thanks.


Thank you for showing this Tara.
I've been fascinated by Leonardo's life. I've read he was depressed at the end of his life did you learn anything about this during your visit? It is interesting to see the dwelling he lived in.

ps You probably know this, but Da Vinci was ambidextrous. I've learned to use my non dominate hand because of him, just in small ways like unloading the dishwasher. It is good for the creative side of your brain to use your non dominate hand.


I did so enjoy reading this post, looking at your photos and the watercolour pictures. Very interesting.


I could live there. Very happily :))


Tara I have chills looking at this magnificent structure and reading about its history! The details certainly a lost skill. I am anxious to come to France and see for myself all the historic structures. I can just imagine the feeling you had as you toured this home that was once Da Vinci's!!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful history with us! ((((MAGNIFIQUE!!!))))


I think everyone should have the opportunity to spend the last 3 years of their life in a "home" such as this. Incredible!! I'm glad you bought the book so that we could share the beautiful watercolours with you. You are so generous!


the book you bought is so lovely and the aquarelles are so beautiful. a true treasure. how sad it is not being able to take pictures inside...
king francois cried tears when leonardo died!!


Tara, what a fantastic,informative post!! And the photos and watercolours are stunning!! In fact, I'm going to show my father this post, he'll find it fascinating!!xx

melissa @ the inspired room

Oh, I am ever so happy with those photographs. That is BEAUTIFUL, just stunning! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it! And the watercolors too!

Thanks for sharing. Wish I had visited there!


My Melange

Beautiful. The watercolors and the building itself. Just stunning. I will put it on my list for another visit.

Pam Aries

Another blissful morning you have given moi !! Whheee! I am ever so thankful for finding your blog many moons ago when I was looking for blogs about Paris and France! Lucky LUCKY me! ..It is cold here today!


Tara, how enjoyable to read along while looking at these beautiful water colors. Especially love the photo of the doorway to the chapel, those mossy looking stairs and the water color drawing!


Tres tres belle! Your photos are awesome...I have much catching up to do...will write this weekend.
bisous, cher Tara :-)

Captain Cat

I had no idea the Mona Lisa crossed the Alps in a mule saddlebag! Not very befitting for a Lady of such standing...

These are simply stunning, thank you so much for this virtual tour of some of Leonardo Da Vinci's works and of his home in Amboise. Just lovely. Paris is my absolute favourite city, and it's such a treat to see these beautiful photos on your blog. I feel very 'homesick' for Paris looking at these (not that Paris was ever my home, but still).


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